Friday, September 6, 2024


Happy Friday!

Fireflies are not common in my area at. all. I had been told they don't live here, and I absolutely believed it until about three years ago when I heard they were at a small nearby lake... I saw some as a kid, when my family took a vacation to Illinois, but not here. Not ever.

My husband's co-worker owns a farm about 20 mins from our home and she has fireflies in her field! So she does little tours and asked him if he'd like to bring his family. I told him YES HE WOULD, ha, so we went!
We learned that one reason they are so rare here is the ground has to stay moist and not freeze for the bug's life cycle under ground, which takes two years. Yeah, that's not a thing around here, ha. Each of our kids got to catch a firefly, and watching them blink across the field was really cool. It was definitely a special family night. 

Stamps: Lighting the Way, Skinny Mini Alphabet
Ink: Mossy Meadow, Daffodil Delight, Evening Evergreen, Soft Succulent 
Paper: Soft Succulent, Basic White card stocks
Accessories: Lighting the Way Dies, big shot
Journaling Font: Moon Flower Bold

This firefly set that retired this spring was perfect for this page. And this page is easily in my top 10 favorites ever. I stamped the grassy-ness, and then stamped and die cut the fireflies. And I really love the result. 

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