Thursday, May 23, 2024

Bright Paper!

This is a bright, happy card that is going out this week. 
This time I combined the Freshly Made Sketch with the SUO Challenge to mix things up!  DP makes it easy to mix things up and I hope this is good enough. Either way, I'm pretty sure the recipient will appreciate it. 
Stamps: Simply Said
Ink: Melon Mambo
Paper: Melon Mambo & Basic white card stock, Full of Life DP
Accessories: 2024-26 In Color Resin Dots

And just because this paper is SO fun and happy, here's a quick view at all the prints: 
This is going to be fun! And there's four of each sheet! 


  1. Thank you for playing along with SUOC. I like the simple card and the bright paper. It is some of my favorite.

  2. That paper is so pretty--great card you've created! Thanks for sharing at SUOC!

  3. I like the combination of patterns. Great card Tanya. Thanks for joining in with SUO Challenges.

  4. This pretty paper makes a pretty thank-you card. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  5. I love how Designer Series Paper Packs makes it so easy to expertly coordinate different patterns and have them go together seamlessly

  6. Somehow I FORGOT to order that DSP when I did my big new catty I had to do a second order after I told my husband I wasn't going to do that :p I can't wait to play with this paper, you've made a fun card here to showcase several of the patterns! Thanks for playing along with us at SUO Challenges!


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