Friday, February 28, 2014

Science Fair!

The past few weeks our house has been full of science project! The school science fair ended up a really, really big deal, as you can see below....
Alright, well maybe you can't quite tell, but that purple ribbon means he won the grand prize!!! He started off excited about the science fair in general. Then he was really excited when he figured out his experiment- to see if playing video games increases hand-eye coordination. Mostly he was excited to prove to me, the mom, that there is a good reason to play video games, haha... He got some friends and our family to participate by playing Wii Sports for 15 mins a day. And he found a simple hand-eye coordination test: to see how many cards you can catch as they are tossed at you. (playing cards, not ya know, stamped cards, *giggle, and yes, in my house that had to be specified!) Then he graphed the data and was very excited to see that -what do you know- it DOES improve hand-eye coordination!!
But then he had to write up his conclusion and make his board look good and and and...and he quit caring about it. He was really annoyed how much work he had to put into this project. The night before there was much grumbling about how it wasn't even worth the effort.
Parents weren't allowed at the school for the judging, so I got there as close to afterwards as I could, and how worth it do you think it was now? hahaha!!!
That grin stayed on his face for a day or two, and for the record, it was worth it.

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